Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to help.

Need help with your bill? Click Here.

We are available M-F, 7am-5pm PST

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 707-652-3328

Important: Please note that our prior customer service number, 408-345-5282, is no longer valid, please contact us at the number above

We're here to help with any questions you may have (billing, account, features, etc.).

Frequently Asked Questions - Get Your Answer Now!

How much does membership cost? Is there a free trial?

The price of membership is $9.95/month. It is displayed on the sign up page.

Billing will recur automatically each month. You can cancel your membership at any time.

Membership includes up to 5 children in the same family without additional cost. To qualify, you must sign up all children during the sign up process.

We sometimes have a 30-day free trial offer on AdaptedMind. If there is a free trial offer, you can cancel during the free trial and not be charged. An explanation of the free trial will be displayed on the signup page if it is running.

Is there a cost for enrolling more than 1 child in my family?

Each family membership includes accounts for up to 5 children at no extra cost. To qualify, all children must be signed up during the initial registration process.

I'm a teacher or a principal. How do I sign up my class or my school?

Sign up for your class or school by having each teacher sign up for AdaptedMind individually here. If your classroom is larger than 5 students, please contact us for support at [email protected] after signing up and request the opportunity to expand your student roster.

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership, login to your account. Then click "My Account" in the top right, and select the option to cancel your account. Follow the instructions on the cancellation page.

The instructions may ask you to sign in to your "parent account." The username for your parent account is the email address that you first joined AdaptedMind with. If you've forgotten the password for your parent account, the login page has a link that allows you to reset your password.

I forgot my password.

If you forgot your password, click "Login". Then click the "Forgot password" link under the login button. Type in the email address that you joined AdaptedMind with.

We'll send you an email with a link to reset your password. Login to your email account, and find the email from AdaptedMind. If you don't see it, check your "Spam" folder.

After finding the email, click the link to reset your password. Type in your new password.

I forgot my username.

Your email address is your parent username.

You also have usernames for each of your children or students. If you forgot one of your student's usernames, click "Login", and then click the "Forgot username" link.

Type in your email address. We'll email you with your students' usernames. If you don't see the email, check your Spam folder.

How do I add another student to my account?

Login to your parent account. Your parent account login name is the email address you signed up for AdaptedMind with.

Click "My Account" in the top right. Then click "Add another student."

The cost for adding a student after the initial registration is $2 for each student per month.

How do I remove a student from my account?

Login to your parent account. Your parent account login name is the email address you signed up with.

Click "My Account" in the top right. Then click "Add another student."

How do I choose a lesson for online practice? What's Smart Practice?

There are two ways of working through the AdaptedMind curriculum.

1) Choose a specific skill you want to work on.

After logging in, click the "Practice" tab. To choose a specific skill, click "Lessons by grade" in the left menu. Choose the grade level of the skill. Select the desired skill.

2) Let us choose the skills to maximize the student's learning

After logging in, click the "Practice" tab. To use this option, click "Smart Practice" in the left menu.

The first time you use this feature, we'll give the student a quick pre-test. This helps us pick the best starting place in the curriculum based on what he or she already knows.

Once the pre-test is finished, click "Smart Practice" again. The AdaptedMind adaptive algorithm will automatically choose the skills that will maximize the student's learning, and it will move the student through the curriculum at their own pace.

How do I change the grade level?

After logging in, click the "Practice" tab from the left menu. Then, click the desired grade from the left menu.

Clicking on the grade will change the account settings for the student. The "Smart Practice" feature, "Progress", and "Badges" will all now be set to the new grade.

How do I print a worksheet?

After logging in, click on the "Practice" tab. Then, select a grade from the left menu.

Pick the desired lesson. Then, you'll see a sub-navigation bar that says "Worksheets". Click the "Worksheets" link.

There are 10 worksheets for each lesson. Scroll down to see the links to additional worksheets.

To print the worksheet, make sure you click the "Printer friendly version" link.

How do I purchase virtual prizes?

Virtual prizes are a feature we're slowly fading out. We've moved on to the Badges you see on the site, and students are loving them! Sorry for the inconvenience while we're completing the move.

I have a suggestion for improvement. How can I send it to you?

We love hearing your suggestions. Email it to us at [email protected].